Children and Trauma: Effective Strategies for Healing and Resiliency
December 5, 2019 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has found that 1 out of 4 children attending school have been exposed to a traumatic event. A child impacted by trauma may experience physical ailments, intrusive thoughts and fears, and decreased attention and concentration. This session will discuss the definition trauma, how trauma affects children, the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, trauma interventions and how to create a safe environment for children. An essential protective factor for childhood trauma is the presence of a positive, caring adult who can help shield children against adverse experiences. This session will identify ways staff can increase a child’s resiliency. Specific hands-on tools, strategies and resources will be discussed to help staff engage children and support emotional self-regulation. This training will be interactive with the use of videos, role play, and group discussion, mindfulness activities, sharing of regulation tools and question and answer.
Training sponsored by BHECN, Region 3 Behavioral Health Services, Central Nebraska Council on Alcoholism & Addictions and Hall County Community Collaborative (H3C).
No Cost to Attend but Space is Limited; Advanced Registration Required by November 26th.